

Bring Your Baby' Guided London Walks are sensitively devised to suit parents and carers of even the tiniest babies to enjoy London’s history.

Events in this collection

  • BRING YOUR BABY' GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Women from Islington's History" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY' GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Women from Islington's History"

    Friday at 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Kings Cross & St Pancras History primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Kings Cross & St Pancras History

    Thu, Jun 20, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: The Real Stories of the Whitechapel Women 1888 primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: The Real Stories of the Whitechapel Women 1888

    Thu, Jun 27, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: 'Suffragettes' East London' primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: 'Suffragettes' East London'

    Wed, Jul 3, 10:30 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Americans in the City" for 4th July primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Americans in the City" for 4th July

    Thu, Jul 4, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Dulwich Village History" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Dulwich Village History"

    Mon, Jul 8, 11:30 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY WALK: "Nursery Rhymes London - Royals Rebellion  & Writers" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY WALK: "Nursery Rhymes London - Royals Rebellion & Writers"

    Wed, Jul 10, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: Nursery Rhymes London: Tudors Trials & Torture primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: Nursery Rhymes London: Tudors Trials & Torture

    Tue, Jul 16, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Discovering Roman London" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Discovering Roman London"

    Fri, Jul 19, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Hampstead: Home of Artists & Authors" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Hampstead: Home of Artists & Authors"

    Wed, Jul 24, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Primrose Hill Village" History Walk primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Primrose Hill Village" History Walk

    Wed, Jul 31, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Women from Dalston's History" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Women from Dalston's History"

    Thu, May 30, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Life, Death & Beyond in East Bloomsbury primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Life, Death & Beyond in East Bloomsbury

    Fri, May 24, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: "Women from Shoreditch & Hoxton History" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: "Women from Shoreditch & Hoxton History"

    Fri, May 17, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • 'BRING YOUR BABY' GUIDED LONDON WALK: Call The Midwife Real-Life Locations primary image

    'BRING YOUR BABY' GUIDED LONDON WALK: Call The Midwife Real-Life Locations

    Wed, May 15, 10:30 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "The Great Fire of London" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "The Great Fire of London"

    Fri, May 3, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY WALK: Borough & Bankside: Bards Bawds & Treading the Boards primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY WALK: Borough & Bankside: Bards Bawds & Treading the Boards

    Thu, May 2, 10:30 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: "Women from Soho's History" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: "Women from Soho's History"

    Thu, Apr 25, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: Nursery Rhymes London: Tudors Trials & Torture primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: Nursery Rhymes London: Tudors Trials & Torture

    Tue, Apr 23, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Women in the City of London" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Women in the City of London"

    Fri, Apr 19, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Nursery Rhymes London: Royals & Writers primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Nursery Rhymes London: Royals & Writers

    Thu, Apr 18, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: "Borough: Bards, Bawds & Treading the Boards" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: "Borough: Bards, Bawds & Treading the Boards"

    Mon, Apr 15, 10:30 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Discovering Roman London" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Discovering Roman London"

    Fri, Apr 5, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: 'Bermondsey History Walk' (SE1) primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: 'Bermondsey History Walk' (SE1)

    Mon, Apr 1, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: 'Suffragettes' East London' primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: 'Suffragettes' East London'

    Tue, Mar 26, 10:30 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Kings Cross & St Pancras History primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: Kings Cross & St Pancras History

    Fri, Mar 15, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: Charles Dickens & Oliver Twist's Clerkenwell primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED WALK: Charles Dickens & Oliver Twist's Clerkenwell

    Thu, Mar 14, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00

  • BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Hampstead: Home of Artists & Authors" primary image

    BRING YOUR BABY GUIDED LONDON WALK: "Hampstead: Home of Artists & Authors"

    Fri, Mar 8, 11:00 AM

    From $0.00


Bring Your Baby Guided London Walks have been sensitively devised to suit parents and carers of even the tiniest babies to enjoy guided local history walks with their pram or sling.Each walk has been planned so that you can stop whenever you like to feed and change - without the stress of feeling you are holding up the group. Because every participant brings their baby, patience and baby’s needs are at the forefront of each walk.As a local historian and also a recent new mother, I noticed there was a real absence of activities for parents and carers to enjoy something stimulating for both brain and body while caring for baby.The focus of these walks is enjoyment: gaining new local history knowledge and exploring the outdoors, while at the same time feeling unpressured when baby’s needs arise.Everyone who comes along is welcome to stop as they need to comfort, feed and change. Either we can stop as a group, or you can use the map provided to rejoin us further along the route. There are many stops, and always lots to see and hear about, so it is always easy to catch up.I will always add a pit-stop halfway through (such as a cafe or pub large enough to accommodate us) so that we can take a breather and meet baby’s needs at this time if it hasn’t been required earlier.Adults £20; children go free.Lucy Madison is a life-long London history nerd and mum to 4 year-old Evan. Trained in guiding walks and with a background in Primary School teaching, she is used to organising large groups of people! Lucy also founded 'Bring Your Baby Pub Quizzes' which take place all over London and increasing areas of the UK, and which can also be found at Apart from looking for the latest new adventure with her family, developing new walks and running Bring Your Baby Ltd, Lucy is a committee member ofHackney Historyand co-wrote the sell-out book 'Women from Hackney's History' which is soon to be reprinted.FAQWhat kind of places will there be to feed or change my baby?We always have a halfway pit-stop for lunch and/or refreshment and baby change, and I will never rush you to finish eating, feeding or changing. We just take as long as everyone needs. If we visit a park or green space, there are almost always plentiful benches or grassy spots depending on your level of comfort feeding or changing there. You can always request to stop somewhere convenient outside of these times. Patience is at the forefront of these walks.Since having my baby I need to rest quite often. Will there be places to sit down?I always try to arrange stops at points of interest along the route at places where there is a bench, wall or other suitable area to perch! Though this is not possible at every stop, it is something I consider when planning every walk - I had a Caesarian myself, and remember the need for respite!I’m embarrassed to ask the group to slow down or stop when I need to use the loo / feed or change baby / have a rest.You never need to feel embarrassed, guilty or stressed in asking the group to stop or slow down for any reason. That's what Bring Your Baby is all about. Simply make me aware and I’ll modify what we’re doing at the time to meet your needs.How long are the walks?Approximate distances and durations are indicated on each listing and I shall remind you when the walk starts. No walk is ever over 2 miles. Owing to the nature of these walks it may be we need more time to complete the walk if stoppages are needed.I’m bringing my baby, but can I also bring my other children?My walks are often a great learning opportunity for children, particularly if we visit green spaces with plenty of natural sensory elements. However it is the parent or carer's responsibility to ensure their children are safe, particularly near roads.Will I be able buy food along the way?Packed food, drink and snacks are always recommended as we are being active and you may get hungry! However, snacks, tea and coffee etc. can be purchased at the place we stop at halfway for refreshment.Can I come on your walk if I don’t bring children?Unfortunately not. These walks have been designed to provide something unique for parents and carers of small children. Therefore I have to prioritise and cater for this group only. This does not mean there is a limit to the number of adults you can bring - mum, dad, childminder and granny all welcome as long as there is a child! All adults need to be paying ticket holders.Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?No, I'll have you already on my list.What is the refund policy?Refunds need to be requested with 24-hours notice. In some circumstances I will allow you to attend a future walk instead with your ticket if you cancel at late notice.Will the walk be cancelled if it rains?Walks go ahead in light rain, but heavy rain or high winds are not safe for taking babies out on guided walks, so in this circumstance the walk would be postponed. You can request a full refund if you can't make an alternative date.I can’t make your date. Will you be repeating the walk?Walks generally get repeated every month or so. The more popular ones such asSuffragettes' East LondonandNursery Rhymes Londonget repeated more frequently.Where can I contact you with any questions?Drop me a line