
All classes for Women


A list of all classes for women. Locations vary.

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  • Women's Naked! Yoga SEATTLE primary image

    Women's Naked! Yoga SEATTLE

    Fri, Jun 7 • 7:00 PM

    From $0.00

  • Women's Naked! Yoga SEATTLE primary image

    Women's Naked! Yoga SEATTLE

    Fri, May 10 • 7:00 PM

    From $0.00

  • Women's Naked! Yoga SEATTLE primary image

    Women's Naked! Yoga SEATTLE

    Fri, Apr 12 • 7:00 PM

    From $0.00


Organizer of All classes for Women
NAKED IN MOTION COMMUNITY RULESNaked!:Nudity is mandatory, but we make accommodations for accessibility. For example, we recognize that people need different tools for managing menstruation. Having your period doesn’t necessitate wearing bottoms though; it’s okay if your tampon string shows, or you leak a bit on your mat & towel. Participants may opt to use items such as binders, bottoms, or prosthetics to manage trauma or gender dysphoria.The goal of beingNaked!is to practice self-compassion and body acceptance, which requires experiencing bodies as they are, and this can be challenging for many people. The purpose of accommodations is not to avoid this challenge, but to remove obstacles which prevent engaging with it.As with comments about others' appearance, we do not allow comments on others' accommodations. If you have a concern, ask us privately. These examples are not an exhaustive list, so if you need accommodation, just talk to us.Everyone MUST be an active, willing participant and at least 18 years old.Consent:All physical contact must be consensual. We’ll provide a system for silently opting-out of adjustments during class. If you opt-in to adjustments, the instructors will ask for verbal consent before offering touch corrections. You can change your mind at any time, and any answer is acceptable, so know your boundaries. Anything less than an enthusiastic “yes” means “no.” Our consent policy applies to all situations, including physical contact that may seem appropriate in a clothed setting (e.g. hugs, moving through a crowd), so ask for permission before touching anyone before, during, and after class, even while clothed.No Cruising:Please maintain the desexualized atmosphere of our classes. Nudity is not an invitation for personal advances. Don’t ask to meet up with people outside of class or make personal invitations to other events. If you'd like to publicize other events aligned with the NiM mission, speak to Willow directly. Also, please do not make comments about anyone’s body or appearance, including compliments that may seem benign (e.g. “your hair looks nice”). We’ll prioritize the experience of the recipient over the intention of a compliment, so err on the side of caution! This applies to live events and online platforms (e.g. Meetup, Patreon).Be Respectful:We welcome all adults who abide by our rules and treat others with respect. Body-shaming or hateful comments of any kind will not be tolerated. Be aware of your gaze: it’s okay to look around if you get lost during the movement, but take care not to stare or focus intently on others.Cell Phones:Cell phones are strictly prohibited while clothes are off, including after class, so please silence them and put them away. If you need to use your phone while anyone is Naked!, please put on clothes and exit the studio.The Erection Question:Signs of arousal such as erections are physiological responses that are as involuntary as sweating. If you experience observable arousal during movement class, just ignore it, or take Child’s Pose if you prefer. If you exhibit signs of arousal while socializing after class, please put on clothing for the comfort of some participants.No Latecomers:Everyone is expected to be on time to hear the rules (even if you've heard them before). The instructor is permitted to close the entrance five minutes beyond the scheduled start time. Once clothes are off, no further entry will be permitted, NO EXCEPTIONS, and we don't refund latecomers. Please do not knock or disrupt class in an attempt to gain late entry.No Lingering:Following the conclusion of class, please exit the premises in a reasonable amount of time as directed by the instructor. Do not wait to be alone with an instructor or student after class.Be Sober:Sobriety is mandatory. If you exhibit signs of intoxication, we may ask you to leave.Responsible Use of Props:We strongly encourage you to bring your own mat & towel, but some of our studios have mats available to rent. If you rent a mat, YOU MUST BRING A TOWEL. Please do not let mats, props, or straps come into contact with your genitals. Be mindful: don’t sit on communal studio props, and put blankets or bolsters UNDER your mat.If you experience or witness a rule violation, please notify your teacher ASAP to help us identify people involved, and you will remain anonymous.While we prefer to be notified in person, you can also email us at The instructor reserves the right to ask anyone to leave, and Naked in Motion management reserves the right to revoke further class privileges.___________Want to support theNaked!mission?Check out ourPatreon!For online live-streamed classes,Naked!instructional videos, and more,