Client Conversion Kickstart - Free Training Week
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Client Conversion Kickstart - Free Training Week

In 1 week learn how to authentically attract more leads and double your sign up rate so you can build a 6 figure business.

By Sarah Davies - Sweet Spot Business Coaching

Date and time

Tue, 4 Jun 2024 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT




7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Launch Party 4th June

Free Training week is kicking off with a Launch party. I'll be sharing what you can learn from your business, my journey from quail egg seller to $6 figure international trainer, how to get set up ...

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

5th June - Training 1: How to be referred by people who have never met you

Discover the real problem you solve, so you can align it with what people are willing to invest in. In a world full of free content, discover how to make your expertise so compelling that others will...

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

6th June - Training 2: Creating services people WANT to buy

Learn how to package your wealth of knowledge into services people actually want to buy. Sharing too much of your knowledge can actually put people into overwhelm and decision paralysis. You'll lear...

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

7th June - Training 3: How to stand out in a noisy world

When it feels like every market is saturated, everyone has more experience and there's no space for you - how on earth do you stand out? Fear not my friend! In this training you'll learn how to talk ...

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

10th June - Masterclass: Sell with authenticity- My top 5 rules

We'll be pulling all three trainings together for the Grand masterclass. Let's banish awkward sales conversations - forever! No more trying to convince people to work with you. I'm going to teach you...

About this event

  • 1 hour

Welcome to the Client Conversion Kickstart - Free Training Week!

Being good at what you do and running a business are two completely different skill sets.

Join me, Sarah Davies for my annual Free training week. In 1 week you'll learn how to authentically attract more leads and double your sign up rate so you can build a 6 figure business.


  • Be referred by people who have never even met you!
  • The key elements of a No Brainer offer that people WANT to purchase
  • How to become known for your expertise - as the go-to person.
  • Stand out and be heard in a noisy world
  • Convert more prospects into clients without feeling like a pushy salesperson

This is not about cheesy sales scripts, paid advertising or magic 'fixes'. This is about digging deep into your business, figuring out what's not working, what you need to change and giving you a clear path of the next steps you need to take.

Create sales and convert clients from a place of genuine authenticity that is a win-win for everyone.

This is a week of learning in community, getting feedback and my eyes and brain on your business, PLUS - you'll have a chance to awesome win prizes!!!!

Each training builds on the last one then I pull everything together in the masterclass. You'll be making important decisions for your business alongside me, so do everything you can to show up for all classes.

  1. Check out the agenda below👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Frequently asked questions

Will there be replays?

Yes, there will be limited time replays available. However, this is an experiential training week and you'll be making key decisions about your business alongside me, so do everything you can to be there live.

How long is each training?

The trainings last for 60 -90 minutes depending on the amount of Q & A's at the end of each session.

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