How to create a career you love

How to create a career you love

Find out how to answer some of those big career questions over three sessions. Come to one or all three!

By University of Auckland, Faculty of Arts

Date and time

May 14 · 1pm - May 28 · 2:30pm NZST



10 Symonds Street Auckland, Auckland 1010 New Zealand

About this event

Yes, that does sound like an ambitious (or slightly clickbaity?) title, but we believe that with time, thought, and intentional action, this is possible.

If you are a postgraduate student in the Faculty of Arts, please join us for a series of three workshops in which we focus on how you can be purposeful and mission-driven about your career.

Session 1: Who do I want to be when I grow up?

Tuesday 14 May, 1 - 2:30 pm, 201-375, 10 Symonds St

Understanding what you really want is probably one of the most important yet challenging steps in working out your career direction. In this workshop, we will approach self-reflection and self-clarity from a pragmatic and fun perspective that will allow you to be honest with yourself and hopeful about the future. We will also talk about the commonly given advice to “follow your passion”, why it is not particularly helpful, and what you can do instead.

Session 2: Is there anybody out there for me?

Tuesday 21 May, 1 - 2:30 pm,201-375, 10 Symonds St

Once you have clarified your career and life vision, let’s explore how and where you can implement it. We will go beyond traditional job search methods (bye for now, Seek!) and look at how you can be intentional and creative to generate opportunities. We anticipate a few eyerolls when talking about the power of LinkedIn, but we will do our utmost to convince you that relationship building does not have to be soul-destroying.

Session 3: “Just do it”: if only it was that simple!

Tuesday 28 May, 1 - 2:30 pm, 201-375, 10 Symonds St

Have you seen Shia LaBeouf motivational “Just Do It” video? Warning: it’s loud! This is exactly what we are NOT going to do in this workshop. Instead of telling you to just be yourself and do it, we will take an open and honest coaching approach and help you work out what is blocking you or holding you back when it comes to shaping the career you love.

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