Learners Weekend

Learners Weekend

By Womens Wellbeing

Date and time

Sat, 21 Jul 2018 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM NZST


Temple Basin

Canterbury 7875 New Zealand

Refund Policy

Contact the organiser to request a refund.



CUSSC is kicking off the 2018 ski season with boom. Louder than an avalanche control bomb up Temple, and radder than a pair of pants hanging round your ankles, it's LEARNERS WEEKEND.

This event is perfect for any keen-to-be ski bums, whether you shred pow like a woodchipper or you just want to learn what it feels like to touch snow. Also, this will be the first skiing weekend up at the lodge for the year!

Learning to ski with CUSSC is guaranteed to increase steeze, gnar and radness every time, 75% of the time. Also proven to reduce the chance of epilepsy. Our club is full of experienced individuals that will be up the mountain helping you improve every step of the way. This includes skiing, making snowmen or funnels down the roofing gutter. There's no better way at UC to learn to shred in an environment that's made for it. In saying that, if you already know how, and are itching for a first ski up Temple, it's a perfect opportunity. This year we will be showing back country virgins a thing or two too... so get excited.


Organised by

We wish to provide an uplifting and safe environment filled with opportunities for women to come together to achieve the common goal of improving their mental/physical wellbeing - and to make it a priority!We wish to educate and support.We are Women’s Wellbeing - a club dedicated to helping young women become the best versions of themselves

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