Literacy and Numeracy Assessment for Initial Teacher Education programmes

Literacy and Numeracy Assessment for Initial Teacher Education programmes

Literacy and Numeracy assessment

By The University of Auckland, EDSW



About this event

  • 405 days 4 hours

About this event

As per Teaching Council requirements, you will need to complete two short online assessments: literacy and numeracy.

The literacy test (45 minutes) will involve reading an article and answering some multiple-choice questions about the article.

The numeracy test (45 minutes) will involve basic mathematical concepts, such as addition, subtraction, finding equivalent fractions, multiplying decimals, understanding place value, and converting common fractions, decimals and percentages.

We currently conduct Literacy and Numeracy tests every Wednesday, all year round.

You will receive a confirmation email that contains the Zoom details of your test once bookings have closed.

Please do not book more than 1 session. If you do, we will remove you from the later session and you will need to attend the earlier session.

Important note: The assessments will be done via ZOOM and will be supervised. You will need to use a laptop/computer that has a camera. This cannot be done on an iPad or mobile phone.

Please review the tips and advice we have for the numeracy test -

This link has more information for teaching applicants -

On the day:

1. Take the assessments online via ZOOM, using a device that has a camera. Please be on time.

2. Have a Photo identification with you that has your registered name as we will need to confirm your identity before the assessments commences.

If you can no longer make it to the session you’ve booked, please cancel the booking yourself and choose another one that would work for you. Please email if you need assistance.

Please note that all sessions are run in NZ Standard Time (NZST)

For International applicants here is a time converter link so you can plan to arrive at the correct time;

Please be reminded of the following:

Upon your arrival at the ZOOM meeting room, you will be put into a waiting room. We will let applicants in one at a time, sight your ID and put you into a breakout room. The assessments will begin when everyone has joined the breakout room, so please be on time.

NOTE: You may be waiting up to 15 minutes while everyone is let into the zoom 1 at a time after sighting ID, please be patient and wait as you will eventually be let into the session.


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