Massey University Health Psychology Research Day 2020

Annual health psych student research day, with a special focus on the achievements of the health psych alumnae.

By Massey University School of Psychology

Date and time

Thu, 3 Dec 2020 9:15 AM - 4:30 PM NZDT


Massey University, Auckland Campus

Albany Expressway Auckland, Auckland 0632 New Zealand

About this event

This is an invitation to a health psychology student research day on December 3rd to be held at Massey University, Albany Campus. This event brings us together as a learning community working in health psychology. It is an opportunity for us to share what we’ve been working on, as well as an opportunity to help with your ‘next step’ plans. This year is a special year, as we are holding the research day in conjunction with celebrations of 30 years of health psychology at Massey.

The student research day is an opportunity to share your research and practicum experiences and to hear about others’. It could also be a great chance to practice for your next (or first!) conference presentation in a very supportive setting. We very much encourage students to present. But those who want to only attend (rather than presenting) are very welcome and we encourage anybody with an interest in health research to attend.

There will also be a keynote talk, a chance to meet staff and hear about the kinds of projects they supervise, and an opportunity to hear from some of our alumnae about their current work.

We hope to provide an exciting and informative event – generated by the energy we bring to our work and to the day. It would be great then, if you can attend physically. But for those unable to attend in person, we will provide virtual connection via Zoom for some aspects of the day.

Below, please register your attendance so we can organise catering and plan for student presentations.

If you are interested in presenting, please select "presenting attendee" at checkout and enter the following information into the box provided:

1. The preferred format of your presentation: Pecha Kucha or 5-minute challenge or 12-minute conference style presentation (suggested structure: background, method, findings – please keep to time :))

2. Your presentation title

3. If you are presenting about your practicum please write ‘practicum’ and contact Tracy Morison to discuss length and structure of presentation.

Please reply by November 20th to give us ample time to adjust the schedule and organize catering.

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