Ticket sales have ended

Sorry we have run out of tickets. You gotta be quick. Our events sell out fast. Please contact the pgsa manager or events officer to enquire about any last minute cancellations.

PGSA 2014 - Car Servicing and Basic Skills

By UoA Postgraduate Students' Association

Date and time

Starts on Thursday, June 26, 2014 · 4:30pm NZST


The Quad, Outside Kate Edgar Building

Student Union The University of Auckland Auckland, 1010 New Zealand

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.


Do you want to learn how to do basic service on your car? Looking to buy a car and want to know how to "look under the hood" and make sure you're getting a good deal?

PGSA is happy to continue the year with a super cheap deal on a good life experience. Learn about your car, common car problems, how to diagnose them, and even how to fix them! This is the best way to be prepared for all the unforeseen vehicle-related circumstances. On top of that you will have chances to socialize with fellow postgraduate (not the same 6 people you see every day!!) over a sandwich and a drink of your choice. The professionals from Marcus motors will walk you through basics of how to recognize a problem in your car and how to fix or whether to call for professional help. This workshop will be beneficial to all faculties (from engineering to art). Come if you don't know how to change your tires and oil, if you do come anyway for more advanced stuff! Grab your ticket fast, there is only a week to secure your place!

We've negotiated a VERY special rate with the mechanic, who is donating his time to help out since he knows how hard it can be to live on student stipend in Auckland. All this is going to cost you is $5!

Get your $5 tickets fast!
See you June 26th at 4:30pm at the quad, look for a bright yellow PGSA t-shirt!!

Where will we be learning about the car servicing?

We will be meeting on campus (free snacks provided!) for a nice networking time, and then walking to Marcus Motors, a local car repair shop. From there, we will spend about an hour learning the basics of car servicing.

Plans for the day

1) At 4:30 pm, we will meet at the Quad, where there will be light snacks available.

2) We will then walk down to Marcus Motors, a local car repair shop, where a mechanic will walk you through all of the basics and answer any questions you might have.

Your ticket includes

- A snack and networking in the Quad

- Life experience preparedness, learning how to service your vehicle.

What you should bring:

- Proper attire for working on a car. This includes clothing that can get dirty and closed-toe shoes. We highly recommend that you don't show up in jandals.

- Lots of questions for the mechanic! The best reason for coming will be to have your personal questions answered by someone qualified to teach you how to diagnose and fix the problem!

All tickets are Non-Refundable. Make sure you would be able to make it to the event when you purchase the tickets.

This event will go off under almost any weather conditions (except Cyclones or Volcanic Eruptions), as there are weather contingencies. A little rain in New Zealand happens daily, so is never a reason to cancel an event. We promise a fun day no matter what the weather brings. Please bring appropriate gear to get a little wet.

Limited guest tickets are available at the same time.

Note: No pay at door options available for this event due to short sale period.

Sales Ended