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What to check when you don’t receive Eventbrite emails

There are a few reasons why you may not have received an email from Eventbrite. Confirm there weren't any typos, check your email preferences, and look at your spam and junk folders.

In this article

  • Check for typos
  • Review your email preferences
  • Check your junk and spam folders
  • Check your company firewall and spam settings

Check for typos

If you registered for a ticket and didn’t receive a confirmation email, it’s possible that there was a typo in the order. Contact the organizer and have them check their records. Be sure to provide the name on the order and your preferred email address. They can resend the confirmation email and update the order information.

Review your email preferences

To review your email preferences:

  1. Go to Account settings.

  2. Click Email preferences (under Account).

  3. Tick the box next to each type of email you’d like to receive.

  4. Save your changes.

If you’ve unsubscribed from any organizers, you’ll see them under Blocked organizers. While unsubscribed, you don’t receive any invitations or email reminders from them. Select Unblock to continue to receive emails from them.

Check your junk and spam folders

Find the email in your junk or spam folder and mark it as "Not Spam". Steps to review your junk folders depend on your email provider.

If Eventbrite emails frequently go to your spam or junk folders, add the following email addresses to your contacts. This will help your email provider better route the emails to your inbox.

  • noreply@campaign.eventbrite.com

  • noreply@event.eventbrite.com

  • noreply@order.eventbrite.com

  • noreply@reminder.eventbrite.com

Check your company firewall and spam settings

If your email provider is through your company or organization, they may have advanced spam controls. These prevent Eventbrite emails from even reaching your personal spam folder. To solve this, request your IT or technical team whitelist the following IP addresses:











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